The chance to secure a 1970’s lowset, brick veneer home on a glorious, elevated allotment could soon be yours.
Positioned so close to John Paul College, Daisy Hill Parklands and most local services provide the perfect position to raise the family or for investors to draw a substantial rental income.
Accompanying the 4 bedrooms (3 with built-ins) is a combined kitchen and meals area, living room, lock-up car accommodation and a pleasant entertainment area which opens out to the well maintained expanse of land.
An ideal refurbishment project on strong foundations which will provide a secure investment or family home for the future.
RPD: Lot 3 on RP 146438
Area: 1153 sq. metres (45.6 perches) approx.
Terms: 5% deposit. Balance 42 days cash unconditional
No Offers can be accepted Prior to Auction.
The Sustainability Declaration for this property can be obtained at our office.