On offer is this lowset, 1950’s home which requires some blood, sweat and tears to restore it to its former glory but its offset by the convenient position and easy-to-maintain yard. In an affordable price range the 3 bedroom house (main with built-ins) also comprises of a comfortable lounge, workable kitchen, separate dining room, front porch, entry room with cloak cupboard, simple bathroom and rear laundry. The thin, hardwood floors and ornate plaster cornices throughout will become marvellous attributes once shined up. On solid foundations this brick/timber house with carport is unquestionably in a superb location close to all amenities and in a pleasant, tree-lined street. Renovate to secure a valuable rental return or acquire this inexpensive property and enjoy a new life in a sought after neighbourhood.
RPD: Lot 8 on RP 79594
Area: 607m²
Zoning: Low Density Residential
Terms: 5% deposit. Balance 42 days cash unconditional
“The Sustainability Declaration for this property can be obtained at our office.”