This lowest, 1960’s weatherboard home is set on a good-sized block and although in a very tired condition could provide substantial reward in the future. Within the solid exterior lies hardwood flooring throughout and basic accommodation comprising of 2 bedrooms, lounge with ornate cornices, a simple kitchen and bathroom, and the toilet and laundry at the lower, back entry. A detached garage/workshop and single carport also exist upon this spacious block of land which could make a fantastic investment.
May become a new family homesite or possibly a business location with the high level of public exposure of great significance (subject to council approvals). Situated just 12klms from the C.B.D. this project provides a very affordable buying option on a substantial allotment for all.
RPD: Lot 20 on RP 74970
Area: 723 sq. metres (28.59 perches) approx.
Terms: 5% deposit. Balance 42 days cash unconditional
No offers accepted prior to Auction.
The Sustainability Declaration for this property can be obtained at our office.